Our Approach To Responsible Investment
Stafford integrates ESG considerations in all stages of its investment process. Concretely, this means that we assess sustainability risks which could have a material negative impact on the value of our investments and ESG factors both before and after every investment decision. In addition, as an investor in underlying funds, we perform the same analysis on underlying assets and investee companies. This means that we notably look at companies’ outcome on environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti-corruption, and anti-bribery matters.
We work closely with our underlying managers to identify material sustainability risks and potential adverse impacts prior to any investment. We look to improve any potential negative sustainability risks and impact post-investment by working in conjunction with fund managers and portfolio company management teams.
Our overarching approach to ESG integration is guided by the six principles of the PRI framework which are integrated into our investment process as illustrated below.
Explicit consideration of ESG risks and opportunities in screening, due diligence, closing and monitoring of investments
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Monitoring of fund managers' ESG performance and active engagement on ESG integration
Stafford is actively involved in different investor initiatives on responsible investment and promotes ESG principles at conferences and industry events
Stafford shares best ESG practices with fund managers in its portfolios, with its clients and within industry initiatives
Stafford reports annually to the PRI, publishes Stafford Sustainable Diaries and an annual Responsible Investment Report
More on our approach can be found in our Responsible Investment Policy.